my TruckPay is a secure payment platform for buyer to pay dealers, online or offline. Easier, faster, secure, and more benefits.
Use Your Credit Card to buy a truck. Easily.
Enjoy 0% interest for 45 days while keeping cash in hand. Earn reward points while enjoying more discounts from truck dealers
No need to apply for bank loan. Leverage on personal existing credit facility for up to 45 days of interest free credit.
Pay dealers immediately, but hold onto your cash for as long as your business needs. Convert payment to low or no interest repayment scheme.
Paying on-time greatly increases your credit rating which improves your chances of getting fresh loans from banks in the future.
Earn airline miles, program points, cash back, and cash vouchers when paying with your credit card.
Buyer: Find your truck at and get in touch with the seller to test, inspect the truck.
Buyer: Pay with your credit card using my TruckPay at dealer's office.
Buyer: my TruckPay processes the payment while you wait for inspection and transfer of truck.
Buyer: Funds paid to dealer and truck is transferred to you. Keep all your cash on hand while enjoying 45 days interest free credit.